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Squarespace Instructions

Once you have received your custom widget code by email, follow the instructions below to add it to your Squarespace site.

Embed the snippet code to your website

1. Login to your Squarespace account and choose your website.

2. Click Pages.

3. Click the page you want to embed your widget.

4. Click Edit.


5. Hover your mouse over the place you want to add your widget and click the label.


6. Click Code from the list.


7. Paste your code snippet and click the Apply button.


NOTE: Squarespace disables all embedded scripts while you are logged in and editing your site. Log out to review your widget on your live website.

Need a hand adding the widget to your website? Contact us via email

Troubleshooting: the widget doesn't show up unless the page is refreshed or reloaded.

Some newer Squarespace templates use Ajax technology that helps enrich a website with great features, thus improving the user experience and turning old-fashioned static HTML pages into modern web applications. The downside is that when a website has Ajax enabled, most embedded JavaScripts doesn't load properly. Therefore your widget doesn't appear on a page unless it is refreshed or reloaded. The only solution in such case is to disable Ajax on your website:

1. Login to your Squarespace account and choose your website.

2. Click Design.

3. Click Site Styles.

4. Uncheck the checkbox next to the Enable Ajax Loading label.


Need a hand adding the widget to your website? Contact us via email

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