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Popular models & calculators
Below are a number of calculators designed to help explain different aspects of our business model and IP.
mCard Builder
Design and build an mCard by setting all of the variables we use to design cards. This model shows how all parties in the ecosystem make money and how much each mCard you design compares to a traditional credit card.
Influencer Financial
This is a detailed model that shows how an Influencer can design a card for their followers that helps them generate ongoing marketing commissions from every customer transaction that happens. Influencers track affiliate commissions and set special features for their followers.
Features Marketplace
Feature Providers can design any feature or application for our mCardholders and set their price. Our network model then helps to drive incredible distribution and activation of your feature through our entire user base.
Offer Exchange
Offer content providers connect into a powerful network of partners that help distribute their offers and drive customer engagement.
Incumbent FI
This model shows how IncumbentFI can help any Bank generate additional revenue per card by adding valuable features and personalization tools to their existing debit or credit cards.
MPowered Rollup
This is a model that allows us to see the total combined value of the mCards ecosystem when you acquire all of the B2C businesses and key partners used in the mCards ecosystem. This Rollup model shows the accretive nature of each business working together
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