Buy Bucks Quick Start
This quick start demonstrates how to utilize our JS Widget to distribute mCards in minutes!
The Buy Bucks Widget is a React-JS widget, which allows you to sell mCash to a user.
The widget and what it sells can configured using the Management API.

1. Add Script tags
The following two JS files must be added to the <HEAD> section of your page.
<script type="module" src="https://production.djr82sx622q8i.amplifyapp.com/build/buy-bucks.esm.js"></script>
<script nomodule="" src="https://production.djr82sx622q8i.amplifyapp.com/build/buy-bucks.js"></script>
Get Started
2. Initialize Widget
Within the <BODY> tag initialize your widget.
The widget-uuid will be custom to your Program Setup. See next step.
logo="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/69e8e4_595bcecb935c47e7a1a13965ae6eb222~mv2.gif" position="bottom-right">